TT-Software/ Databases - it´s easy to join the world

- Software /Databases Specialist Databases in MS-Access or Excel Format
- Technical English - Dutch

dictionary dataprocessing english dutch

Technical Dictionary
  • English -> Dutch 170685 entries/translations
  • Dutch -> English 138949 entries/translations

  • Vocabulary from the fields of electrical engineering, engeneering, automotive, automation, electronics, mechanical , engineering, instrumentation, engineering in general, computer science, space, multimedia, networks, internet, telecommunications, windows, communication, geology , geotechnical engineering, hydraulics, hydrology, mechanics , mining, petroleum, science, technics , surveying, machinery, electricity, and many other fields

    Download Sample English-Dutch & Dutch English "Letter f" (Excel- Format)

Technical Dictionary Dutch English

  • First license agreement - not for resale:
    You can integrate the database in your applications but you can`t sell this application to other customers.

    The price for this license agreement is 1,990.00 € (plus tax/VAT) for one dictionary.
    One Dictionary database includes two directions.

    It`s for translation agencies (create a basis for your own Translation Memories -TM) , scientific departments, for companies with internal use (and own applications) or companies that would integrate it into their website...

  • Second license agreement - for resale (commercial use):
    You can integrate the database in any application* and you can sell this application to other customers.

    The price for this license agreement is 3,990.00 € (plus tax/VAT) for one dictionary database (without further royalties).
    One Dictionary database includes two directions.

    * The databases can only be sold to other customers if embedded in a application.

- Software /Databases Specialist Databases in MS-Access, Excel or SQL Format English - German



technical english->german

technical german -> english

English -> German
51696 keywords and translations

German -> English

51149 Keywords and translations

Specialist technical dictionary

Vocabulary from the fields of Technology (general terminology), System Installation, Station Installation,Telecontrol, Manufacturing, Information Technology, Cable TV, Broadcasting, Radio Relay Systems, Telecommunications, Communications, Electrical Engineering (general terminology), Electrical Science, Microelectronics, Semiconductor Devices, etc. 
Dictionary Technical English German

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(1.4 MB)


automobil english -> german

automobil german -> english


English -> German
19394 keywords and translations

German -> English:
15464 keywords and translations

Specialist automobile industry dictionary

Vocabulary from the fields of Construction, production, re- establishment, spare parts, manufacturing, manufacturing process, etc.
Automobile Dictionary English German

Download sample
(0.7 MB)


economics english -> german

English -> German
5588 keywords and translations

Specialist economics dictionary

Economics Dictionary English German


Download sample
(0.3 MB)


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