TT-Software/ Databases - it´s easy to join the world

- Software /Databases Monolingual Databases in Excel Format-
for Wordgames, Spellchecker...

Multilingual Dictionary Databases

According to lots of inquiries we developed new wordlists for “Spellchecker” , “Wordgames” ect.

- out of our high quality Dictionaries/Thesauruses/Synonymlexica/Conjugations and Specialist Databases

- all Monolingual wordlists included the complete conjugation of verbs
(Present participle; Past participle; Present; Past; Fututre; Present conditional; Present Perfect; Past Perfect; Future Perfect; Past conditional; Imperative)

License agreement (Monolingual Wordlists)- for privat or commercial use:
You can integrate the database in any application* (or website) and you can sell this application to other customers (without further royalties).

monolingual wordlist english for spellckecker wordgames

Monolingual Wordlist English
- 107,000 words

Download sample Excel (sample with the complete Letter "F" 4000 words)


monolingual wordlist spanish for spellckecker wordgames

Monolingual Wordlist Spanish
- 490,000 words

Download sample Excel (sample with the complete Letter "B" 13000 words)
lingual Database Spanish is 3,190.00 € (plus tax/VAT)The price for Monolingual rldlist Spanish Spellchecker Wordgames





monolingual database portuguese brazilian spellchecker wordgames

Monolingual Wordlist Portuguese Brazilian
- 590,000 words

Download sample Excel (sample with the complete Letter "T" 23000 words)




monolingual database german spellchecker wordgames

Monolingual Wordlist German
- 99,000 words

Download sample Excel & SQL (sample with the complete Letter "W" 3300 words)





monolingual wordlist french spellchecker wordgames


Monolingual Wordlist French - 267,000 words

Download sample Excel (sample with the complete Letter "P" 19500 words)




monolingual wordlist italian spellchecker wordgames


Monolingual Wordlist Italian - 318,000 words

Download sample Excel (sample with the complete Letter "B" 8200 words)




wordlist monolingual dutch spellchecker wordgames


Monolingual Wordlist Dutch - 98,000 words

Download sample Excel (sample with the complete Letter "B" 7900 words)




wordlist monolingual swedish spellchecker wordgames


Monolingual Wordlist Swedish - 106,000 words

Download sample Excel (sample with the complete Letter "E" 2100 words)




  • First license agreement (Monolingual wordlists)- not for resale:
    You can integrate the database in your applications but you can`t sell this application to other customers.

    The price for this license agreement is 990.00 € (plus tax/VAT) for one dictionary.
    One Dictionary database includes two directions.

    It`s for translation agencies (create a basis for your own Translation Memories -TM) , scientific departments, for companies with internal use (and own applications) or companies that would integrate it into their website...

  • Second license agreement (Monolingual wordlists)- for resale (commercial use):
    You can integrate the database in any application* and you can sell this application to other customers.

    The price for this license agreement is 2,990.00 € (plus tax/VAT) for one dictionary database (without further royalties).
    One Dictionary database includes two directions.

    * The databases can only be sold to other customers if embedded in a application.


TT-Software/Databases © 1995- 2024